A Collection of Upper South Carolina Genealogical and Family Records, Vol 1, ed. by James E. Wooley, pg 134.
Will of Henry Gaines, Sr. Box 16 #205. Probate judge office. Pickens County, South Carolina.
Being in decline of life and infirm of body but of sound and disposing mind and memory, etc. Revoking all other except two deeds made to my grand children to wit: Mariah and Henry P. Gaines, children of my son Robert Gaines. I give to my daughter Caty Waggoner $200.00 to her and her heirs forever. I give to my daughter Elizabeth Johnson $125.00 to her and her heirs forever. I give to my daughter Nancy Dogan $200.00 with a deduction of $93.00 which she received. To my son Reuben Gaines being legacy of mother estate. I give to my daughter Lucy Sims $19.91 to her and her heirs forever. The rest of my estate to be sold and equally divided between following living children, Nancy Dogan, Lucy Sims, Jonadab Gaines, Mariah Clardy to have her father part for her affection to her father in his affliction also Henry P. Gaines son of Robert Gaines and Mary P. Gaines daughter of Richard Gaines. I appoint Robert Gaines and James Gaines, Esq. as Executors. Dated 5 Feb, 1828. Wit: James Gaines, Nancy X Gaines, Marindy J. Gaines. Signed: Henry Gaines.
Codicil: For the concerning the maintainence of a negro woman named Lane profit of a certain tract of land whereon I now live. Beginning at a post oak corner William Arnolds by the Meeting House a straight line to Robert Gaines line. After the death of Laner I give said land to grandson Henry Gaines son of Robert. Dated 19 May 1830. Wit: Mehala Thompson, Andrew Beller, James Gaines. Signed Henry Gaines. Proven 2 Aug., 1830.